Products & Services
We’re in the process of changing and growing which is very exciting!
Sometime soon we will be moving our URL to
In the meantime, you can go to Help Yourself or
see below for a breakdown of how We can Help You with our current services:
Animal Energy Balancing
Animals are unique individuals who are here on their own soul journey and to support you on yours too. Sometimes the issues they have mirror what we are going through and they show us where our issues are, much like our bodies and environments give feedback to us.
Using her intuition and animal communication Katrina connects to them from a distance using either a sample of their hair or a photograph of them. She then gives you feedback on what has been communicated to her as well as any recommended treatments that may have come up in the balance.
Duration: 1 hour
Price: ZAR 450 (± CAD 40 / ± EUR 25)
Provided by: Katrina (+27 83 378 1909 /

Animal Reiki
Reiki is a gentle Japanese energy modality promoting peace and harmony in the body allowing innate healing to take place. Animals are very sensitive to Reiki energy, able to intuitively get out of the way, accept the energy and typically respond very well. Healing is at the animal’s pace and only if they are willing to accept the healing at that time. Nothing is ever forced on them.
Animal Healing is done virtually, all Loretta needs is the animal’s name, their location & if there is something specific their human companion would like Loretta to set an intention to focus on. Reiki energy will go where it is most needed but we can ask for specific healing. The animal will also communicate with Loretta as to where it feels it most needs the energy and will guide the length of the session.
Duration: Varies (minimum of 30 minutes)
Price: ZAR 400 (± CAD 35 / ± EUR 22)
Provided by: Loretta (+1 604 557 3127 /
Energy Balances for Homes,
Offices & Properties
Our homes, offices and vehicles reflect what is happening in our lives. Energy needs to flow for it to work effectively and harmoniously. Using a blend of Feng Shui, Life Alignment and Space Harmonising to find what is needed to be cleared at this moment and to shift the frequencies. This can be done distantly as well, working from floor plans and satellite imagery, following the flow of energy in the space. It is possible to do one room in a home/office space, raising the vibration there will filter out into the surrounding space much like a candle in a dark room.
A report detailing all of the imbalances and recommended treatments will be emailed afterwards. Such treatments may include things like smudge or incense, candles or crystals, particular plants or mirrors, colours or textures, etc. by either removing, adding or changing them.
Duration: > 4 hours
Price: From ZAR 1000 (± CAD 85 / ± EUR 55)
Provided by: Katrina (+27 83 378 1909 /

Energy Balances for People
The Game of Life is a constant balancing act; when something blocks your way you can feel stuck, stagnant or surrounded by chaos and drama. So are you listening? Are you able to hear these messages? Where do you start to try to unravel them? An energetic balance may give insight into it and encourage harmony once more. With processes like Life Alignment, Theta Healing and BARS or an intuitive blend we can look at where it is, what it is, when it started, what you are gaining from it, what the belief you have around it is and then release the emotional charge from it so that it can stop tripping you up.
Sessions are offered virtually via Zoom or in-person at Katrina’s beautiful studio in Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa.
Duration: 1-2 hours
Price: ZAR 600 (± CAD 50 / ± EUR 35)
Provided by: Katrina (+27 83 378 1909 /

Inn8 Creativity Individual Session
Everyone is creative in some way or another. This session is about guiding you in the art of learning to connect with & trust your intuition. To go with the flow and get in touch with that intuitive voice that knows all, is part of the greater whole and can see things from the eagle’s perspective. A place where there are no boundaries and no limitations, where you follow what feels right and can explore your imagination to its fullest. The process allows one to play, to reconnect to that innocent child within, to be curious, to find answers to questions, to break through blocks, to learn more about oneself. See more
Includes a channeled message or drawing.
Sessions are offered virtually via Zoom or in-person at Katrina’s beautiful studio in Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa.
Duration: 2-2.5 hours
Price: Online = ZAR 550 (± CAD 45 / ± EUR 30)
In Person = ZAR 700 (± CAD 57 / ±EUR 37) includes materials and snacks
Provided by: Katrina (+27 83 378 1909 /

Inn8 Creativity Group Session
This intuitive free flowing creative process allows you to connect to yourself. Ideal for anyone – experienced to beginner – to play, explore and reconnect to their inner wonder child. It is an opportunity to tap into the deep creative place in yourself that you might have lost touch with, or that you might want to reignite. For Katrina this process has been a chance to learn to let go of the outcome, to move beyond the need for perfection and to create from a place that feels good and when it no longer does then to find another way back to that place. See more.
These group sessions are offered virtually via Zoom / Skype or in-person at Katrina’s beautiful studio in Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa.
Group size of 2-6 people, either organise your own group or see Facebook for upcoming events.
Duration: Half day (3 hours) or a Full day (8 hours)
Price: In-Person Half day ZAR 350 pp and Full day ZAR 800 pp
Via Zoom / Skype is dependent on numbers, please ask for a quote
Provided by: Katrina (+27 83 378 1909 /

Personal Reiki
Reiki is a gentle Japanese energy modality promoting peace and harmony in the body allowing innate healing to take place. A Reiki session is very calming and soothing and the energy continues to heal after the session ends.
Reiki sessions are done virtually. Loretta will agree on a time with you and ask you to lie in a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted. She will connect with you energetically and request Reiki energy flow to you while moving her hands in various positions. We can focus on a specific area or health issue of concern to you or we can let the Reiki energy decide where it is most needed.
Duration: 1 hour
Price: ZAR 800 (± CAD 80 / ± EUR 50)
Provided by: Loretta (+1 604 557 3127 /

Soul Book Reading
We are each a Soul living in a body. Our Soul Book is a record of every detail of our Soul’s existence across all time & space, all our incarnations & everything we set out to experience & do experience, in each incarnation and while residing in the Akashics (the universe) in between lives.
With your permission Loretta will access your Akashic Record and gather information on your gifts & traits, the lessons & experiences you chose for this life; and the contracts & agreements you have with other Souls. This assists & guides you in living a life in alignment with the blueprint design you created for yourself prior to incarnation. You will receive a written Soul Book report and a follow up virtual session to answer your questions.
Duration: Varies (minimum 4 hours)
Price: ZAR 1850 (± CAD 150 / ± EUR 95)
Provided by: Loretta (+1 604 557 3127 /
Reminder to click through for some ways to Help Yourself