About Us
Katrina evans

Zodiac sign = Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign = Sheep
Life Path # = 14/5
Myer Briggs Personality Type = INFJ
Enneagram Personality Type = 9 The Peacemaker
Favourite colour = All the Jewel Tones but my absolute favourite is Teal
Feng Shui Element = Water/Fire (am on the cusp)
I love travelling, exploring new places, tasting delicious food and reading.
To schedule a session with me please call or WhatsApp +27 83 378 1909 or email katrina@rcvibrations.org

Throughout my life I have shied away from getting a formal qualification that would label me as an expert of anything, finding safety rather in being a Jack of Many things with a lot of varied interests. I have started degrees and left them. I have found myself doing obscure courses and in that way have embraced my differentness – my uniqueness.
My journey with energy work began with Feng Shui in the late 1990’s and incorporated Life Alignment Technique amongst other things in the 2000’s and more recently Theta Healing. Discovering how things around me work and playing with the subtleties of energy is a continuously amazing journey.
I have been hiding my light from the world for a very long time, keeping myself small and trying not to shine very brightly. But as it seems things go, the universe has other plans for me and is constantly pushing me slowly, and very respectfully ;o), more and more into where I will be of most use. I feel that part of my work here on earth is to share the story of my journey so as to be a reference/support/guide to others who feel the desire to make a difference, to be who they are and to move beyond the stuckness of where they are at. After all we can only teach that which we know and live, although my own learning is ever ongoing and refining.
There are so many books, websites, people sharing in this world that sometimes I do not feel that there is anything more that I can add to it. Perhaps though it’s not to add to it but just put a different spin (my unique one) on it so that someone may resonate more easily with it.
There are so many glorious ways of being in this world, none more important nor better than any others. There are many paths up the mountain and the one you choose is the right one for you. Some may join you on part of the journey and then leave, some may stay for longer, some may try to get you to walk on their path for a while but in the end you are the only one who will walk your unique path to the end. You get to choose which way to go and there is always support and guidance should you wish to ask for it on more levels than you can comprehend.
We are all individual pieces of a gigantic interconnecting puzzle, everyone as important as the next to this planet, each with a unique role to fill, each interlocking with at least one other. The ripple effect that we each individually can have is phenomenal. Sometimes I feel like a small candle in a giant dark warehouse, rather small and insignificant. But if my light can cause just one other next to me to light up and they in turn next to them, etc. then pretty soon the whole place will be filled with light.
I am a Consciousness Promoter, an Energy Balancer and an Intuitive Creative with a variety of skills to assist you, your animals or your property to find harmony and balance. I look forward to perhaps walking a portion of our journeys together, feel free to connect with me via Facebook or LinkedIn. You can find me in Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa in an old farmhouse on a gorgeous big property, with huge patios and plenty of room to host my activities.
Thank you for visiting and being part of my journey.
With love
loretta nelson

Zodiac sign = Pisces
Chinese zodiac sign = Dragon
Life Path # = 5
Myer Briggs Personality Type = INFJ
Psychological Archetype = The Caregiver
Enneagram Personality Type = 1 The Perfectionist (Reformer)
Favourite colour = Yellow
Feng Shui Element = Wood
Birth Star # = 6
I have lived on 3 continents and travelled to 4
I have lived in 4 countries and travelled to 20
To schedule a session with me please call or WhatsApp +1 604 557 3127 or email
I have always had an interest in nature, human development and health; reading whatever I could get my hands on and learning from those in both the conventional and alternative medicine worlds. Using what we are so abundantly supplied with in nature is fascinating to me and I am drawn to the learnings and teachings of the worldwide indigenous populations who continue to focus their attention on these aspects today. I believe conventional medicine can be effectively combined with alternative medicine, energy healing and spirituality to heal our bodies and live in harmony with Mother Earth if we take the time to reconnect, explore and learn.
Animals, particularly dogs, are a deep love for me and my path into natural healing and using food as medicine was enhanced when Leo, my beloved furry child, developed epilepsy. This led to a search for ways to help him and return the unconditional love that he so willingly gave and taught me. I believe all the other dogs who were part of my life prior to Leo were a preparation for my life with him and his challenges – and for that I thank them all. I am so grateful they chose to grace my life and assist me in my learning. Today we have Trapper, our beautiful enthusiastic Golden Retriever, sharing our life and teaching me to seize the moment, relish in being alive and to live with complete abandon and love for everything there is available. He is an absolute joy to be around, raises the vibrations of our home every day and I am truly grateful he has chosen to help me on my path.
In 2014 I was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and once again turned to natural healing to help myself. As with everything health related I dove into learning everything I could about it, and autoimmune disease in general, and made many connections to things in my diet and my environment that were contributing. And I finally made many connections between Hashimoto’s and other health issues I had struggled with all my life. The connection of disease and physical ailments to my thoughts, my emotions and my spiritual well being was slowly brought into focus and in 2018 I left a career in Information Technology, and the business world I had spent 30 years working in, to focus on enjoying life with my husband, lowering my stress levels and developing my spiritual awareness and my healing abilities. By making small regular changes I am focused on cleaning up my body, my thoughts and my emotions, and opening myself to my spiritual connection with our Creator.
My spiritual journey kicked into a higher gear just when I would be called upon to deal with the hardest part of my journey with Leo, saying goodbye. It sustained me through his transition and supported me in the months afterwards. I am a firm believer in the power of energy healing and our ability to connect with each other and with animals at a Soul level. I am a Usui Ryoho Reiki Master with additional training in Usui Holy Fire Reiki and Animal Reiki. I regularly ask Reiki to bring peace and balance to our home and to any of our family, human and animal, who give their permission. Leo’s last weeks showed me the love and power of Reiki and I am so thankful I was attuned in time to give him the loving support he needed. I am also a member of the Distance Healing Network for animals and send Reiki to animals in need on a daily basis.
In 2019 I learned to read the Akashics Records and I use this modality to understand my Soul’s purpose in this life, the lessons and experiences I chose, the gifts I bring to this incarnation, and any agreements I made with other Souls prior to coming to this life. All of this assists me in guiding my life in alignment with the blueprint design I created for myself at the beginning of this lifetime. I offer this service to help others to do the same and would be grateful for the opportunity to help you open to yourself, enhance your existence, and live the life you intended when coming to earth.
I am grateful you have chosen to visit. My wish & hope is that you find something here that resonates with you and will help in enhancing the ripples you spread and raising the overall positive vibration of our world.
With love and gratitude,