Inn8 (Intuitive) Creativity

Katrina’s very first SoulPainting in 2012
Creative expression through any form – painting, doodling, embroidery, knitting, crochet, sculpting, music, dance, etc. – is tremendously healing and balancing.
Find the form that fits you and do it often!!
Katrina’s happy place is when she’s creating and expressing through art.
“Let me ask you something, what is not art?” ~author unknown

Katrina’s Journey with Intuitive Creating:
“My awesome Nia teacher and Kahuna massage therapist, Brenda Loukes-Johnson is also an artist.
She ran a series of one day workshops from around 2012 in Bryanston, Johannesburg, introducing us to what she then called SoulPainting (now FlowPainting). This was based on her experience of Carolyn Winkler’s Intuitive Painting.
My first experience of that process was profound and life altering. It was the start of my recovery journey with perfectionism. I became more deeply aware of my intuition, understood how to consciously tap into it and let it guide me. I began to learn to let go of needing to control things and to have an outcome that was desirable. It was a very liberating and wonderful experience.
The more I worked with the process the more I wanted to share it with others, to offer them the same experience I had and the space to make their own. Everybody is creative in some way and this process allows you to find that.”

SoulPainting or Intuitive Creating is an intuitive free flowing creative process that requires no art experience or talent and allows you to connect to yourself. Ideal for anyone – experienced to beginner – to play, explore and reconnect to their inner wonder child.
The Intuitive Creating process is an opportunity for you to slip into your inner world, and allow whatever is there to rise to consciousness so that you can find out more about yourself. It is an opportunity to tap into the deep creative place in yourself that you might have lost touch with, or that you might want to reignite. For Katrina it was also a chance to let go of the outcome, to move beyond her need for perfection and to create from a place that feels good and when it no longer did then to find another way back to that place.
You can ask for answers to problems, seek clarity or direction for your life, or just wait and see what arrives. It’s always a surprise, and yet not really, since we do have a knowing of what is deep inside us, we just aren’t always aware of it.
This can be used as an opportunity to:
•explore relationships – with yourself/ others
•wonder about life, choice and change
•reflect on the past / create something new
•express whatever needs to be expressed
•observe your thought processes without judgment
•find direction from your intuitive self
•learn more about yourself
•have some fun with paint and explore something new
•overcome any blocks / fears about painting or “being an artist”
Most importantly, do not expect to come away with an artistic masterpiece. The product is not the purpose of Intuitive Creating. Although you may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome, it is the process that is the important part. Like life – it is the journey, not the destination that matters.
“Personally, I find that tapping into my creativity calms my mind and resets my nervous system, reigniting my passion for life. SoulPainting allows me to journey into the depths of my inner world, to see what’s going on, and to hear my deepest intentions from my soul.”
– Brenda Loukes-Johnson (founder of SoulPainting & FlowPainting)
The process is gently guided, and the session unfolds in silence. The space is one of acceptance, non-judgment, and gentle healing. Intuitive Creating in a group space, intensifies the power of your creative intentions.
3hr Sessions for Groups (2-6 people) and Individual Sessions available either In Person or Online
In Person (Malanshof, Randburg) : Groups on Wednesdays 9-12pm and Saturdays 2-5pm
Online via Zoom : Groups on Wednesdays 6-9pm and Saturdays 9-12pm
Individual Sessions and Private Groups by Appointment
Booking is required.